The whole world is currently dealing with a huge crisis. The dire situation of COVID-19 has affected every sector in immense terms. Business-employment is in appalling straits. The pace of the world has slowed down. And yet it is not clear how long such a situation will last. One of the worst affected area is the education sector. Especially in our country there is a serious indifference towards education.
Education is a continuous process. The future is the cornerstone of the world. Indifference towards education hinders the progress of the nation in the long run. Comprehensive education is a fundamental right of each child. Education must be sustained and
uninterrupted in any situation. The Corona epidemic has necessarily changed the state of the world, but even in this state, the education process must run smoothly with all the right changes. For this, the government, schools and parents must work together to formulate a solid strategy for the bright future of the child. How long should the situation wait for normalcy. Excellent arrangements have to be made to cope with the situation that has arisen. Parents also need to be more aware of the overall development of the child through education. Guardian responsibility increases when schools are closed. In today’s scenario necessary arrangements must be made to ensure that the child’s education is not compromised with the positive use of technology. Governments and schools should provide the necessary facilities for the child to get the best education. It is necessary to train the teachers and make arrangements for the best education through technology.
Education is not only to remind the child of the information given in the book, but also to give the child expertise in life useful values, skills and professional readiness with the help of the text book and other resources. When a child completes his studies and goes to the field, the training he gets during his education comes in handy and he succeeds in life without any support or aid. Teach the child not to feel overwhelmed, but to enjoy the learning process. When a child does something with pleasure, the result is excellent. Such education cannot be obtained just by teaching a book. For this, the child has to be taught to learn by giving practical experience. If a child touches an object, uses it and understands its nuances, he will remember it for a lifetime. Such education is necessary in today’s
world when a child is to establish himself globally. In a rapidly changing world, a child must have a holistic education. In the last five to seven years, technology has created an unprecedented revolution in the social, economic and business spheres. It is our job to make sure that our children are not left behind. The best tool for this is undoubtly education.
With hearty thanks.